AB workout. Features


AB workout. Features

"And now 10 minutes of abdominal exercises. Any," said the coach at the end of the workout. And in basic training beginner referred not to specific, but "any" of the basic exercises. It just so happened that many of the training exercises are given at the end as a residual.

And the exercises usually receives very little attention. Meanwhile, research shows that not all of them healthy and the spine, and not exactly all of the rock press.

Example harmful exercises the rise of direct legs in the lock body. And, raise your straight legs from the prone position, or doing it from a vertical position, with emphasis in the lower back it hurts your spine.

Never do that. Have pity on your spine.
Studies have shown that the rise of direct legs causes significant compressive load on the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine. In this case the maximum force occurs at the moment of separation of the heel from the surface plane.

If such a load is performed regularly, it can lead to the accumulation of microdamage in normal discs, and degenerative intervertebral discs modified to cause damage and increase hernia. The performance of this exercise causes the development and progression of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine. So if you raise the legs or the casing is rigidly secured at the waist, think about the possible consequences.

In this regard, one of the most harmful exercises are "folding knife" the simultaneous rise from the floor of the body and legs:

LJ user dmitriysh wrote a post on this topic, where it talks about the special harm "jackknife": "Muscles of the abdomen tense, and the muscles of the lower back are relaxed, therefore the entire load at bending falls on the ligaments of the spine. As a result, this transition point begins to give symptoms, and this is in a very good reflex relations with the entire data segment. Starts to hurt the lower back. The more you do these exercises, the sooner you get a sore".

What to do:

1. Just completely eliminate exercises where the lower back comes off the surface or rests on a hard surface.
2. If doing crunches lying down avoid separation of the waist from the floor.
3. Can easily do without any twisting, because there are some great exercises for abs, not loading the lumbar spine. We recommend "prayer".

"Top" and "bottom" of the press does not exist.

He loaded all at once.
The muscles in the abdominal area is made up of 4 muscle groups. Transverse muscle lies on the inside, supporting your internal organs.
Internal oblique muscles pass diagonally from the pelvis to the sternum and the external oblique lie over them, helping you to bend and rotate.
Finally on top of the transverse muscles is rectus abdominis, which attach so much attention it is called "pressure". It starts on the pelvic bone and attaches to the sternum.

The press supports a straight back and allows you to lean forward.

Connective fibers, crossing it across, create those 6 cubes that serve as evidence of the good physical form.

Although a variety of exercises in different ways engage the abdominal muscles, terms such as "top" and "bottom" of the press does not exist. So, if you see somewhere "on the upper part of the press" or "on bottom" condescending smile. In the course of performing any abdominal exercises, stimulated once the entire rectus abdominis. It is impossible to strain and make work only a part.

Press refers to the muscles stabilizers, called American style muscles "bark" (from the word "core" is the essence, center, core). These muscles that can be developed while remaining stationary. Unlike other skeletal muscles, they do not move bones.

Their task is the preservation of the pelvis, spine and hips in a stable position. The strengthening of the bark enables you to preserve posture and a healthy spine, but one hour training sessions a week can not compensate for the 50 hours of sedentary work in demonstratively concerned about the pose. Want your back straight and stomach in dice work on posture. Sitting at the computer, not bend forward and grab your legs and keep your shoulders lowered and pulled back a little.

Any complex motion begins with contraction of the muscles bark. Only after they joined in the work, the force is transferred through the hands and feet to a bar or gentely. Weak center gives the weak team so if your results in the presses or squats stopped growing, pay attention to the core muscles.

What to do?
And now  10 minutes of abdominal exercises. Any

In order to load all core muscles, execute the following set of exercises in a row without rest.

1. Lifting legs in vis
For the abdominal muscles base is lifting legs in vis on the crossbar (note: without the stop in the back!)

2. The catwalk
Straining the muscles of the abdomen and back, tear off pelvis from the floor, moving the body in one line with your feet, put your forearm on the floor directly in front of the shoulder. Hold this position for 15-60 seconds (you can!) and repeat for the other side. Additionally strain the abdominal muscles and buttocks, in order to keep the body perfectly straight.

3. Strap
The push-up position on the forearms. Put the feet either together or shoulder width apart (the wider, the easier it is). Raise your right hand diagonally forward and to the right 2 hours, record this position for 2 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other hand and get one repeat. Important: in the initial position, the forearm should be perpendicular to shoulders and elbows to be strictly under the projection of the shoulder joints.

4. Crunches on the fitball
Lie down on an exercise ball: hands behind head, feet on width of shoulders, hips and body in a line parallel to the floor. Now do a standard curl. Do 15 repetitions or as many as you can.

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