Effective methods of training of the press

AB workout

Shawn ray once called bodybuilding "the great art of illusion." Many bodybuilders understand his words too literally and stubbornly shake only muscles that always in mind. The press, understandably, is on the tenth place, because of the world men's fashion short tops are not yet sunk. Meanwhile, the main function of the press is not aesthetic. This muscle group is not accidentally takes on the body center position. It is by value.

Even those who vaguely heard about the functional benefits of press, shake his formally - some twists. This exercise is a pacifier will not name. It raises precisely the large straight muscles of the abdomen. The same one that cut the tendon strips for model cubes. Moreover, the most resistant in twists athletes will report to you the result of the rivers of sweat disheartening news: for some reason, even from thousands of twists the cubes don't grow. This sad secret we will reveal to you later, but for now will acknowledge that even in the absence of external effect of twisting the bodybuilder is very useful. The fact is that when you run absolutely all strength exercises, not counting the actual exercises for abs, he tenses statically. As a result, your waist, which was supple and flexible, suddenly hardens, and becomes a strong pillar of the body. Now, when you perform key basic movements most static load assumes the rectus abdominis. When you earnestly rocked it twists you, it turns out, worked on the improvement of the result in the squat, bower, heavy rods for a back and even bench press.

However, when you do other exercises, the monotony of your approach to training the press goes sideways. You rocked the rest of the abdominal muscles, which include the paired external and internal oblique muscle and transverse muscle. All this intricate musculature of the abdomen is responsible for the equilibrium of the body.

A few words about why twisting does not create a relief cubes. Remember how in childhood you were made of clay ball. You kneaded clay mass from all sides. So it is with cubes press. To obtain a rounded convex shape, line, load, and twisting a little. Have an impact on the cube from all sides. In other words,a diverse and multi-directional load.

Stone press

Starting the AB workout, select one exercise from "Bending", "Bending" and "Turns". Perform the exercises one after the other without rest, and every movement bring the muscle to absolute "failure". (If the exercise requires the additional weight, do the set of 20-25 repetitions.) A cycle of 3 sets (1 set per exercise) should be performed 3 times, resting between cycles no more than 30 seconds. 2-3 workout exercises you need to change to other and then to make a new complex. After 2-3 workouts and change exercises again. Sooner or later you will have to revert to the old movements. If you did the exercise with body weight to "failure", we now apply the weights. Build up resistance to the first training run of 20-25 on the second and third 12-20 8 to 10 repetitions. As burdening use pancakes from the rod, weighted balls and ankle weights on. In separate exercises, you can apply the dampers.


Twisting with the ball

Take a supine position on the floor face up. The knees bend. Weighted ball keep the straight arms above the chest. Maintaining the vertical position of the hands, isolated press force lift shoulders upwards, keeping the lower back contact with the floor. Make at the top clear static pause.

Double twisting

Take a supine position on the floor face up. The knees bend. His hands lay behind his head. Simultaneous force pull your knees up to your chest and "roll" the body by lifting the shoulder girdle upward. Achieve maximum to the strong contraction of the rectus abdominis. At the end point of the motion make clear the static pause.

Double twisting with weights

Take a supine position on the floor face up. The knees bend. Hold between the knees, weighted ball. Another hold weights in both hands at her breast. At first its weight should not exceed 5 kg. force Simultaneously pull your knees to your chest and "roll" the body by lifting the shoulder girdle upward.

Tackles with the ball

Observe the position of the stop on the floor to straight arms for pushups. Shin lay on a medical ball. The body is completely straight. Isolated press force drove the ball to him as close as possible. Making a static pause, drag the ball back, but on to your straight arms purchased the downward position.

Twisting with straight arms.

Take a supine position on the floor face up. The knees bend. The arms straighten and then lower behind your head. The palm connect. Not changing position of hands, isolated press force lift shoulders upwards, keeping the lower back contact with the floor. Make at the top clear static pause.

Lifts the knees to block

Stand with your back to the lower block. Using the strap Velcro attach the wire block to the ankle. With opposite hand, grasp a firm support. Other hand abut in the side. Keeping the body straight, lift the knee up as high as possible. At the end point of the motion make clear the static pause.

Twisting on the bench

Take a supine position on the bench face up. The end of the bench should be placed below the shoulder blades. Hold weighted ball at chest. Isolated press force lift shoulders upwards, keeping the lower back contact with the bench. Make at the top clear static pause.


This is not to think, but any exercise that involves moving a weight in the hands, and causes associated displacement of the center of gravity. Thus, all power of movement in standing, sitting and even lying down not to lift the barbell or dumbbells, as many people think, but to crazy to retain equilibrium when the shell, weighing sometimes more pounds, well beyond the centerline of the body. About exercises for your legs and say nothing.

However, we will return to the upper limbs. Remember popular lifting on a biceps with a barbell standing up. Naive beginners think, if the weight of the barbell limits the power of the biceps. Actually, the workload determines the strength of the abdominal muscles. They help the body to resist, when you hold the bar in a push up. Otherwise you will tip over forward like a crane, a boom which raised an intolerable burden. Inflate a powerful press, and the weight of the barbell itself will jump by 10%!

It turns out that ignoring the comprehensive training of your stomach, you're hurting the workout the muscles that used to be considered the main. According to conservative estimates, your working weight is behind the greatest possible 5-10%. How can you then not call your technique training is not effective?

Recall that the abdominal muscles perform the movement in 3 planes. The first is called the sagittal and direct means to bring the building to the feet and legs to the body. The second is called the front and comes down to tilting your body to either side. But the third type of movement is rotation of the body.

From the beginning, you need to train the musculature of the press to work the team: the only way they will be better able to keep the balance of the body. This is one of the main rules of an effective workout. Well, for this you need some kind of whirlwind of 3 different movements. Rather Tricity, when the exercises follow one another without rest.

Get the functional steel press, and you will be amazed how much easier it will be to perform exercises that you thought had nothing to press nothing!

Rotations of the pelvis in vis

Take position vis on the crossbar. Knees bent at right angles. Slowly tilt your knees to the side, trying to lift feet as high as possible. In the top of the lift make a distinct static pause. Repeat on the other side.

Lumberjack on the top

Stand sideways to the upper block. The feet put shoulder-width apart. Bend the knees slightly to balance the rack. Grasp the cable handle with both hands, holding the case upright. Direct hands on an arc trajectory, make a chopping motion, dropping the handle down. Thus your body will rotate around the centerline. Slowly return to the starting position. Remember, the amplitude of movements should be the maximum. Completing all the given repetitions, become to block the other side and repeat the exercise.


Take a supine position on the floor face up. The legs are straight. Next, simultaneously raise your straight legs up the body, stretched out his hands towards the feet. Trim the position of the body. Having achieved stability, turn the body to the side as far as possible. With your hands in the manner of the instrument arrow will turn to the side. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement in the other direction.


Take a supine position on the floor face-up. The legs straighten. His hands lay behind his head. Lift the straight leg off the floor and start twisting the body, accompanying them one at a time mixing with opposite elbow and knee. After each information every time you return to the starting position, lowering your shoulders on the floor.

Tackles on the ball with a turn

The exercise is done exactly as normal rolled with the difference that when bending knee you turn them to the side. The amplitude of this rotation should be maximized. Follow the turns in different directions.

Twists lying leg

Take a supine position on the floor face up. Straighten legs and lift vertically. Hands pull along the body and expand the palm, pinning them to the floor. Keeping full contact of the shoulders with the floor, slowly allow the straight leg to the side. Moreover, as low as possible. At the end point of the movement be sure to make a static pause. Repeat exercise in other party.

Twisting with the rotation

The position of lying on the floor face up. The knees bend. Hold the weights with straight arms above the chest. Isolated press force lift shoulders upwards, keeping the lower back contact with the floor. At the same time turn the body to the side, holding a weight in straight arms.


The Slopes Of Samson

This exercise was invented by the famous athlete of the past Samson. Stand up straight holding the dumbbells with straight arms above the head. Feet shoulder-width apart. Holding hands "in line" with the body, slowly bend to the side as low as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat exercise in other direction.

Bending with dumbbells

Stand up straight holding a dumbbell straight arm near the hip. The other arm straight along the body. Slowly bend to the side And dumbbells, as low as possible. Slowly stand tall. After completing all of the specified repeats, adjust the arm with the dumbbell.


It is a "sideways" version of this exercise. Accept the side-lying supported on the bent hand. Other hand abut in the side. The legs are straight. Feet are put on one another. Slowly lift your pelvis up and flatten the body "in line". Hold this position for as long as possible. Adjust the position of the body in the mirror again and do exercise.

Lift the straight leg

Take side position. Lay your head on bent arm. Other hand abut the floor in front of you to stabilize original position. The legs straighten. Lift the straight leg upwards in the longitudinal plane of the body as high as possible. In the top of the lift make a distinct static pause. Follow all the given repetitions for one leg, then switch legs.

The slopes on the block

Stand sideways to the lower block. Lean slightly to the side, to the side of the block, and place one hand around the hilt. Stand tall and lean in the opposite direction as low as possible. At the end of the slope make a distinct static pause. Slowly return to the starting position. Make all the given repetitions in one direction and then in another.

Side twisting

Accept the position lying on your side. Rewound one hand behind his head. The bent elbow of the other hand abut the floor. The legs are put on one another, bend your knees and move forward, to stabilize the initial position. From this starting position make the twisting of the hull in longitudinal projection, trying to raise the shoulders as high as possible. Make all the given repetitions, then adjust the position of the body.

Leg raises lying on your side

Accept the position lying on your side. Rewound one hand behind his head. The bent elbow of the other hand abut the floor to stabilize the starting position. The legs straighten. Raise your both legs upwards in the longitudinal plane of the body as high as possible. In the top of the lift make a distinct static pause. Make all the given repetitions for one leg, then adjust the position of the body in the mirror.

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