Methods and techniques to change the intensity of your workouts

Methods and techniques to change the intensity of your workouts

1. "Pyramid" exercise with a gradual change in weight of the weights in each approach. The most popular option is to gradually increase the weights in each approach while reducing the number of repetitions. For example, after warmup approaches the athlete performs the bench press with a weight of 100 kg 12 reps, 105 kg - 10 REP., 110-8, 115-6, 120 - 4. Often, in the latter approach, the weight is greatly reduced and comply with it up to 15 reps. (In practice of bodybuilding, this approach is often called "zabivay" due to its specific feeling of "oppression" in the working muscles is associated with transient local edema in the tissues as a result of this mode of the load.)

2. "Cheating" is intentional distortion technique of the exercises to overcome the greater number of repetitions with a given weight of the weights, thereby increasing the load on the entire body. To apply this technique can only by experienced athletes or workout enthusiasts who have this distortion technique will not lead to loss of control over muscles and movement of the projectile. Otherwise, the desire to overcome the limiting weights, distorting the technique of movement, greatly increases the risk of injury.

3. "Superset", "treeset", "giant set" - two, three or more approaches at the same or different muscle groups without rest in between. The technique increases both the intensity and volume of training load.

4. "Preliminary exhaustion" - a reception at which you overload your muscle group to fatigue within its direct motor function, using an isolated movement, and then immediately connect this exercise to superset with a secondary motion, using the basic exercise.

5. "Rest-pause" - the exercise with the weights, the weight of which allows you to only perform 2-3 repetitions, then made the 30^45-second pause, during which partially resynthesised ATP, performed 2-3 repetitions, again 40 - 60-second pause, 2 reps, pause 60 to 90 seconds, and performing the final 1-2 reps.

6. The "peak reduction" - for more static electricity shortened muscles at the end of each concentric movement. Often in this way compensate for the decrease in the load on the target muscle due to changes in muscular-skeletal levers by the end of the concentric movement. (For example, deliberately shortening of the biceps muscle of the shoulder in the static mode at the end of a trajectory of movement when performing exercises of flexion on a biceps on the Scott bench.)

7. "Forced repetition" - the reception at which, after completing the maximum number of reps, the athlete uses the help of a partner to perform another 1-3 extra reps. For example, when performing exercises the barbell bench press
lying a training partner standing behind the bench with the head timer, creates minimal additional stress to the neck rod from the bottom up to complete the last repetition.

8. "Partial repetition". Doing maximum amount of reps, the athlete continues to exercise limited movements, allowing you to do some more reps.

9. "Inserted" approaches. Exercising local muscle groups, not requiring the use of significant weights, during rest between sets, aimed at training large muscle areas. As a rule, it is about the training of the abdominal muscles, shins and forearms.

10. "Drop-set". After the last athlete "exemption" repeat partners, standing on the sides, remove from its rod on one disk. The athlete performs a limit on the number of repetitions, after which the partners can remove another disk. When using dumbbells, the athlete has in advance a pair of dumbbells on the dumbbell rack in descending order of their weight. Doing the maximum amount of reps with the heaviest pair, he puts her in her place, takes the next and so on. Can be used from two to five pairs of dumbbells.

Attention! The application of these techniques is associated with a very significant increase in training load and permissible only advanced clients, experience of which exceed 6-10 months of regular training in a limited volume (in the two-shock three-week mesocycle).

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