No. 1: According to some known reasons, fish oil helps burn body fat

First, fish oil provides essential fats because it consists of omega-3. Essential fats � these are fats that the body cannot produce on its own, and they should arrive in our organism with food. Essential fats are very important for the normal functioning of all organs.

Fish oil is not converted into fat the body, and Vice versa, the body will use fats from fish oil to build the outer lipid (fatty) layer is to protect our cells. For this purpose, any suitable fats: TRANS fats, omega-6 fats and everything you eat, but your cells will function better and your metabolism will be better, if the lipid layer of cells will be created at the expense of fish oil because it increases the activity of insulin.

This allows you to increase sensitivity to insulin, which is a major factor in burning fat. If you have poor insulin sensitivity, then you will be very hard to get rid of excess weight. Another advantage of fish oil is its anti-inflammatory properties, which will be discussed in more detail in section 3.

Recently, a study was conducted during which for 6 weeks to healthy subjects daily for 4 grams of fish oil or safflower oil (Omer-3 fats). The participants who took the fish oil significantly reduced body fat percent and increased the percentage of muscle mass, and they are not even trained!

It is interesting to note that after taking fish oil the participants in the experiment indicated a decrease in the level of cortisol. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that destroys muscle fibers, contributes to the set of excess fat and keeps you in constant tension.

No. 2: Fish oil contributes to muscle growth: the anabolic

As mentioned in section 1, fish oil reduces cortisol levels, and this suggests that it has anabolic properties; this idea is confirmed by some scientific studies. For example, during one recent study on older rats, who for eight weeks was given fish oil found that they significantly increased protein synthesis and increased muscle area in the cross section.

Fish oil is also anabolic substance in humans. In the study, which was conducted on middle-aged people, subjects were given 4 grams of fish oil per day. It was found that it enhances protein synthesis and leads to a significant increase in muscle mass. Thus mTOR (target of rapamycin in cells that leads to muscle growth) by the signal of cell membranes increased by 30 percent, that is, works the same mechanism that provides the normal content of insulin and enhances the formation of muscle tissue. The muscle mass of the subjects increased by 2%, however, due to the small number of people who participated in the study, changes in body composition to calculate failed.

Actually, the anabolic effect of omega-3 fatty acids has led to the fact that the NCAA (national University sports Association) banned the distribution of fish oil among major sports colleges. The rationale for this is that omega-3 fatty acids confer some advantage of well-funded institutions that can provide athletes these supplements.

 No. 3: Fish oil reduces inflammation and improves body composition

Nutrition sport fitnessInflammation in the body is not only very dangerous for health, but also greatly affects your ability to lose fat and build muscle. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of reducing inflammation for those who want to be lean!

For most people, the term "inflammation" means nothing, because they just don't understand what inflammation means disease, delayed recovery from injury and obesity. Did you know that fatty tissue is actually, by itself, leads to inflammation, that is, gradually increases the inflammatory state in the body?

Fish oil has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that is the main reason for its ability to reduce body fat. As mentioned in section 1, people who took 4 grams/day of fish oil, at the end of the study significantly reduced the percentage of fat. In any case, if the amount of fat is unduly increased, then it causes inflammation and the loss of lean muscle mass due to degradation.

Fish oil, as it turns out, not only reduces chronic inflammation, but may reduce acute inflammatory response to intense workouts. During recent studies of young athletes take 3 grams of fish oil for 7 days, and then performed a very intense eccentric exercise to failure.

The results showed that, compared with the placebo group, the group receiving fish oil had significantly fewer inflammatory biomarkers, less muscle swelling, and less soreness from training loads. The researchers suggest that fish oil contributed to the withdrawal of the waste produced in response to energy metabolism during exercise, and it increases the anabolic capacity of the body.

All of the above suggests that that consumption of optimal percent fat in the form of fish oil enhances anti-inflammatory capabilities of the body by:

  1. speed detoxification of wastes
  2. improving health at the cellular level and optimize muscle-building
  3. reduce the amount of hormones that cause inflammation
  4. reduce excess weight and improve health

No. 4: Consume fish and you will increase insulin sensitivity and accelerates metabolism

Do not forget that fish oil increases insulin sensitivity, because it is involved in cellular lipid which improves the binding of cell receptors to insulin. And once insulin is bound, its purpose is the transfer of glucose from food into the muscles where it will be stored and, if necessary, to be used as energy. If insulin binds poorly, it increases the level of cortisol, causing inflammation; this could result in obesity.

Insulin also plays a role in the building of muscle tissues, so it is called the anabolic hormone. The good news for us is that when fish oil intake and restriction of carbohydrate intake, insulin improves the process of muscle building and facilitates the uploading of muscle nutrients such as creatine and carnitine, which are necessary to improve physical performance and fat burning.

An example of the effect of fish oil on insulin sensitivity and body composition was examined in a recent study conducted with women suffering from diabetes 2 type. They took either a 1.5 or 2.5 grams of fish oil per day. After 30 days of experiment, both groups reduced the percentage of fat and diminished their waists, significantly increasing insulin sensitivity. Interestingly, in the group with low dose fish oil experienced greater reduction of belly fat and improve insulin sensitivity that shows the individuality of reactions to the intake of omega-3 fats.

No. 5: To optimize body composition is necessary to properly combine different fats

I hope you will agree that fish oil helps to build muscle and burn fat.

The research was carried out only with a relatively small dose (4 g per day) fish oil, but in some reports the best fat loss with increasing the dose in the range from 1 to 1.5 g per percentage of weight of your body fat. For example, if the fat content in your body equals 20 percent, then you should take 20-30 grams of fish oil daily, getting most of fats from fish oil; and it is logical, because omega-3 fats are the most healthy.

For example, if the total consumption of fat you have is 60 grams a day, it makes sense from 20 to 30 grams to take it in the form of fish oil, and other fats � from organic meat and fish products. This is very important if you want to reduce inflammatory processes in the body and improve muscle building while reducing fat percentage. Here that you need to know:

  • Most of your omega-3 fatty acids you must obtain from fish oil.
  • Omega-6 fats should be of plant origin, and not from shellfish. It will be olive oil, nuts, avocado, and similar products. The "Western diet" is VERY full of omega-6 fats due to excessive amounts of refined vegetable oils. The ideal is a balanced intake of fatty acids omega-6 to omega-3, refined vegetable oil is better to completely eliminate.
  • Consumption of refined vegetable oils in large amounts can cause inflammation. The reason for this is that the body uses the same enzymes to convert omega-3 and omega-6 fats into a form in which they can be learned. If you eat too many omega-6 fats (studies show that the average "Western diet" has a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids as 16:1), to convert the omega-3 fatty acids in your body will not have enough enzymes.
  • Researchers believe that a significant reduction in the consumption of omega-6 fats will reduce the need for fatty acids omega-3.
  • To obtain necessary nutrients and fats as well as for optimal body composition, try the �macrobiotic diet�: eat cold-water fish, beef cows consuming forage in the grass, the meat of wild animals. Supplements with high amounts of fish oil in the form of triglycerides is better than complex ethyl esters because they have improved bioavailability. Supplement intake of fats products such as nuts, olive oil, avocado and coconut oil. When you do this, limit your consumption of organic fats. Gidrogenizirovanii avoid fats and TRANS fats, and processed foods.
  • Avoid foods enriched with omega-3 fatty acids because you can not know their origin and to evaluate the quality.

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