8 Mistakes of back training

8 mistakes of back training

What you see in the mirror can hurt you! Just check out the list of errors that have no place in training the back.

In the gym many guys are constantly sticking out in front of the mirror and ensure that the muscles on the left wasn't far behind muscles of the right side. These guys often give you hunched shoulders, partly due to the weakness of the back deltas and of the rotator cuff. Front view of them that it is necessary, but we all know what happens once they turn around. All disappears! A sad illustration of the proverb "out of sight, out of mind".

What you look in the gym in the days back workout, does not mean that ahead of you will have a good result. A lot can go wrong. We have collected together eight of the most common mistakes. I think you should work on them before you can call yourself a legitimate bodybuilder.

1. Do not think about your back as one muscle

Your back is an array of several muscles while in training back wide really perform the lion's share of the work. Training back, you should also target the lower and middle beams of trapezoids, rhomboids, rear Delta, a large, circular muscle and the muscle, straightening the spine (spinal erectors).

While many of these muscles work synchronously in each exercise, you can always shift the focus on a certain area, for example, on the upper beams wide. For this you need to adjust your grip or use a straight grip instead of the reverse.

In this regard, the back workout like a chest workout; use different angles and different exercises to more fully develop a particular muscle group.

2. Don't put exercises for the lower back to the beginning of the workout

With an abundance of exercises with free weights � especially pulls, in which you lift heavy barbell is critical to follow the natural curves of the spine. This will save you from rounding the lower back during the exercise. Rounding of the spine making you vulnerable to disc injuries, which can knock out of the saddle any weightlifter.

To protect the lumbar help you with rectifiers of the spine (sometimes just referred to as your lower back muscles). Until you overcome the hardest sets in rods, the backbone and other movements with the torso, these muscles must be fresh and full of energy. Their isometric contraction is holding the back in position, secure to the intervertebral discs. Try not to tire those muscles until the end of your workout and assign special exercises for the lower back, for example, good morning and hyperextension, at the end of the training session.

3. Do not disturb the natural curvature of the spine in the exercises with tilt

To avoid injury of the spine, it is important to keep your back straight. Simply put, in line with the body or slightly bent position. Beginners often find this position difficult to master.

Let me clue you in: stand sideways to the mirror and practice the technique without the added weight, until you learn to do everything correctly. During exercise keep your back in a safe neutral position throughout the approach. Do not attempt to increase the lower part of the amplitude of motion due to the dangerous rounding of the back.

If during the execution of exercises like thrust in the slope and pull the T-neck you feel that you can't keep a natural bend in the lower back, complete a approach. It is also useful to slightly bend legs in knee joints.

4. Do not sacrifice range of motion for weight

Fitness training programExtend your arm in front, bend your elbow and pull it back as far as possible behind the plane of the body. Looks like full range of motion during the traction exercises. The problem is that when using too much weight, the amplitude usually decreases at both ends of the movement, especially when reducing. Although you never would think to perform the bench press with a short amplitude, many athletes do during pull with too much weight.

While pull pull the elbows as far as possible behind the plane of the torso. Consciously bring together your shoulder blades, and then allow the projectile to stretch his arms to full straightening.

5. Avoid excessive deviations of the forward/backward while you pull the top/bottom of the block

Minimal cheating is commonplace in any exercise, but exercises for the back you should be especially careful because of the impact that cheating can have on your spine. And the problem is not only the security of the spinal column. When cheating during, say, thrust in the slope, a pulse is generated by the inclusion of the back muscles, and it steals growth incentives targeted muscles.

Limiting deflection forward/backward during the thrust of the upper block, the lower thrust block and thrust in the slope, especially at the beginning of the approach. In a horizontal thrust deviation forward or backward by about 10 degrees, but excessive deviation turns the craving into motion for the waist, which is not the purpose of this exercise.

In addition, deflection wear down the rectifiers of the spine, as they become active participants in the movement. And if you remember, we want to keep them fresh until the end of the training session.

6. Do not forget that belts help to complete one or two redo

Some bodybuilders tend not to use wrist straps for fear that with time they will reduce grip strength and weaken the muscles of the forearm. It's actually so, but that is no reason to refuse them. Often the grip is weakening before a wide, and it could cost you one or two extra repetitions in each set.

The last few reps lead to failure of your wide, not your grip, so they are very important. Seat belt use in critical approaches equivalent to maximal growth at the expense of additional work. As for the training of their grip and forearms, perform it separately, and don't blame it on the day of back workout.

7. Never lift your head to look in the mirror

Craned to look at yourself in the mirror while driving like a thrust in the slope, you break the position of the cervical spine. Judge for yourself: your torso bent at around 45 degrees and now you throw back his head back, looking up. (The same thing happens when you try to do it during the lifting of the dumbbells in the slope and lowering of the barbell Romanian deadlift). In the hands of your heavy burden through the shoulders and widest presses on the spine and your neck goes up. Here's another risk factor for injuries of the spinal disc.

The solution, actually, is simple: during any thrust in the slope, just keep your head in line with torso. If your body is inclined at an angle of 45 degrees, at the same angle to the floor must be and head. Do not be tempted to lift my head up.

8. Never train biceps before back

It's like to train triceps immediately before chest workout, but some athletes still do. Since the biceps are involved in almost all exercises for the back (judge for yourself, from your hands fully extended position move to position with bent elbows and it is called the flexion of the elbow), you need to install it fresh as possible during the pull much weight.

If the hands are already exhausted, you can bet all your money on the fact that while more laborious exercises for the back they will be denied first. Training biceps after � not before � you will reduce the probability that fatigue of the biceps muscle can get in the way of growth of muscles.

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