The best exercises for slimming the waist or all about a "vacuum"

The best exercises for slimming the waist or all about a vacuum

Sometime ago bodybuilders were estimated for a thin waist. And they really were training, using exercises that "reduce" the waistline. You can't reduce the width of the hips, however, you can control the size of the rear (camber).

When Frank Zane was demonstrating his famous pose of "the vacuum", the abdominal muscles and the transverse muscle belly greatly reduced. The transverse rectus abdominis runs from your left to right of the middle line, as a weightlifting belt.

By the way, transverse muscle of the abdomen works as a natural weightlifting belt. Transverse muscle of the abdomen is of great importance to prevent back pain.

To train the transversus abdominis, start with the exercise "vacuum" in the supine position, then as you progress move to the position on all fours, then to a sitting position, and later use its other variations.

You would like to reduce the circumference of your waist with just one exercise? Want to know something even cooler? The same exercise will allow you to not only make your waist thinner, but to get rid of back pain.

V-shaped physique

Many athletes prefer the old school physiques of bodybuilding, and the size of hippos. Most of these preference is given to classic V-shaped physique with a small waist.

In the 70-ies of the athletes were more interested in not building the separate forms of particular part of the body, and the appearance and physique as a whole. Therefore, the shape of the physique in bodybuilding, whether it be a rest period or competition, should be aesthetic and attractive.

Even Arnold Schwarzenegger, who at one time was a "monster mass" had a thin waist. And when I say slim waist, I'm not referring to its width from left to right, and its thickness from front to back, which does not depend on genetic predisposition, and which you can control, unlike your bone structure.

Guys like Arnold, Frank Zane and Lee heini not just got such a thin waist and surprised everyone with its ability to do the exercise "vacuum" at any angle � they earned them. Actually, they did exercise the vacuum priority in their training and preparation for competitions.

For them, work on the retraction of the middle part of the stomach was as important as working biceps and chest, and we should move in the same direction.


Let's digress a bit and learn some of the science of the vacuum exercise.

While Zane has represented his vacuum pose, intensively reduces the abdominal muscles, we are, unfortunately, very little think about their transverse muscle of the abdomen.

Transverse muscle of abdomen, which is under the direct and oblique abdominal muscles is the deepest muscle of the press. This unique muscle, because it does not connects and not moving bones closer to each other, as do other muscles. In fact, the majority fibers do not connect bones. Instead, it works through the solar plexus, hence the name muscle.

The transverse rectus abdominis runs from your left to right of the middle line, just like a weightlifting belt. Indeed, this muscle has one function, which performs the belt lifter. When the voltage of the transverse abdominal muscles increases intra-abdominal pressure, and strengthens the spine. Again, as a weightlifting belt.

But transverse muscle of the abdomen is not only during the execution of any exercises. It is also necessary to keep in place our abdominal organs. Think of a transverse muscle, as the body, prevent bloating, and then you will see why its worth it to train!

Fine and free from pain

A flat stomach is not the only reason to pay attention to our transverse muscle of the abdomen. It also plays a huge role in preventing back pain. By the way, a number of studies have shown that most people who have had back pain, had a "sleeping" transverse muscle, i.e., they are not trained, although they ought to do it.

Also the good news is that your "sleeping" muscle may "Wake up" and, quite possibly, this will lead to the reduction or complete elimination of back pain.

Training of the transverse abdominal muscles

Start with the simple and natural vacuum exercise � lying on your back. You will be helping the force of gravity, so proceed!

  1. Initial position � lying on your back, knees bent, feet resting on the floor;
  2. Make the maximum exhalation to stretch your diaphragm;
  3. Make maximum effort to reach the navel to the spine.

The harder you pull your stomach, the more reduced transverse muscle of the abdomen.

First make a 15-second sets. As in the other exercises, you must progress. Get up to 5 60 second approaches.

Don't let the lack of air to spoil the approach, take small breaths as needed.

Not saying that this exercise doesn't work until you try! The best results I got when doing this exercise immediately after waking up, not getting out of bed.

This is not the only way to make your little ritual. Your stomach will be empty, which only contributes to quality performance vacuum. This is the time of day your stomach is naturally flat, because it will be easier to squeeze the maximum of your transversus abdominis.

The vacuum on the knees

After will be able to make 5 60 second vacuum on the back, proceed to a more complex version � when you kneel and lean on your hands. This type of vacuum is more difficult because you are working against gravity.

  1. Get on your knees and prop your hands on the floor without bending their elbows. Your elbows should be perpendicular to the wrists, your legs and hips. The neck is in a natural position.
  2. The technique is similar to the previous exercise: 1) inhale, 2) try to touch the navel to the spine.

If you are in vacuum on the back doing 60 second sets, in this exercise, start with 30 seconds. Again, try to perform 5 sets of 60 seconds.

Sitting vacuum

If to take into account the force of gravity, the vacuum on the knee is a complex exercise, but sitting vacuum utilize muscle stabilizers, which makes it less complicated exercise.

Sit on a hard surface, without leaning back on something. Again take a breath and try to touch the navel to the spine. The approach still lasts 60 seconds.

After mastering sitting vacuum on a hard surface start vacuum on an unstable surface such as a gym ball.

The next step is a functional vacuum. Don't stop doing the exercises described above, instead do them in addition to the functional version.

Functional vacuum

Now we come to a kind of vacuum, which involves the use of your transverse abdominal muscles throughout the day. You can use the sets, you have to control your muscles during all movements that you make throughout the day. Draw the abdomen, when standing or sitting, do it daily and after some time it will become completely natural for you.

Exercise at the gym

If you want to maximize the functionality of your vacuum training, you'll like the exercise described below. Sit on the machine for traction of the upper block, the hands grip the handle. Then relax your shoulders down and at the same time I vacuum.

On the exhale return to the starting position. In this case, the block helps to create a tensile load in your abdominal muscles. There are many similar exercise, which you can find on the Internet.

Tip competing athletes

If you want to compete and win, do yourself a favor and run the vacuum during the posing.Keep in mind that judges pay particularly close attention to how you hold the stomach during posing, and look at him they start from the moment you go on stage.

Flat stomach and narrow waist will significantly improve your ratio, that will give you an advantage over other athletes. But to manage your belly you can just using regular run of the vacuum. This applies to tourists too. If you train your transversus abdominis, then your belly will stay flat by itself, without having to constantly pull it.

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